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Premium Services

With over 1,000+ Index pages, 500+ Resources, and more being added everyday, ensuring your project stands out on ICI is crucial to attracting new users and gaining their trust.

Between our easy to spin up packages and our individual customizable services, get in touch today to find out what works best for you!

ICI PACKAGESProject - Basic$499Project - Full$799Project - Airdrop$999Content Creator$399
Index Verification*
ICI Index Tweet
Featured Resource**
ICI Resource Tweet
Featured Index
Ad Credit(s)***
Airdrops.One Page
@Airdrops_one Tweet

InterchainInfo Key Metrics

ICI sees between 40k-90k unique monthly users from all around the world.
Verified index pages receive ~65% more views on average.
Flat rate price for ads, ensuring no bot spamming could waste your funds.
@Airdrops_one has a
100% organic following of 140k+ users on Twitter/X.
*Verification is for 1 year. Bulk verification available for an additional $500 flat. Requires transparency report submission.**Resources are featured for 1 week per.***Ad credits can be redeemed for 1 week each per ad.
Project - Basic$499
Project - Full$799
*Verification is for 1 year. Bulk verification available for an additional $500 flat. Requires transparency report submission.**Resources are featured for 1 week per.***Ad credits can be redeemed for 1 week each per ad.
Project - Airdrop$999
Content Creator$399
*Verification is for 1 year. Bulk verification available for an additional $500 flat. Requires transparency report submission.**Resources are featured for 1 week per.***Ad credits can be redeemed for 1 week each per ad.
Project - Basic$499
Project - Full$799
Project - Airdrop$999
Content Creator$399
Key Metrics


Pick the package or services that work best
for you and get in touch.


Submit the provided transparency report to verify your page(s).


Work out any details surrounding featured content, ad credits, etc.


Attract and onboard truly sticky users in an organic and efficient way.

INDIVIDUAL SERVICESIf needed, many of the services listed above can be purchased individually; find more information and pricing in our docs.Additionally, the above packages can be customized by adding additional services as needed. Get in touch today!