Craig Wright’s Claims of Being Satoshi Nakamoto Debunked by UK Court

Craig Wright’s Claims of Being Satoshi Nakamoto Debunked by UK Court

BY ICIMay 21 · 3 min read

This article aims to summarize all the recent news surrounding Craig Wright & his claims of being Satoshi Nakamoto, the inventor of bitcoin, and the recent court rulings that have proved that false. If new information is brought to the public eye, we will update and include it here.

Extensive and Repeated Lies

Yesterday, on May 20, 2024, a UK High Court delivered a damning judgment against Craig Wright, the Australian computer scientist who has long claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous inventor of Bitcoin. Justice James Mellor concluded that Wright lied “extensively and repeatedly” in both his written and oral evidence during the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) case. Craig Wright is also responsible for the Bitcoin fork, which he calls “Bitcoin Satoshi Vision,” or $BSV, which he claims is the “true Bitcoin.”

Forged Documents

The court found that Wright forged numerous documents to support his claim of being Nakamoto. Judge Mellor stated, “Dr. Wright engaged in the deliberate production of false documents to support false claims and use the Courts as a vehicle for fraud.” This conclusion followed an in-depth analysis of Wright’s attempts to manipulate documents to fit his narrative, including the Bitcoin white paper.

Background of the Case

The Claim and the Trial

COPA, backed by notable figures like Twitter founder Jack Dorsey and crypto exchange Coinbase, took Wright to court in 2021. The trial, which began on February 5, 2024, sought to disprove Wright’s claims and prevent him from asserting intellectual property rights over Bitcoin. The evidence presented showed Wright’s extensive efforts to falsify documents and mislead the court.

Judicial Findings

Justice Mellor’s judgment was unequivocal: “Dr. Wright is not the person who adopted or operated under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto in the period 2008 to 2011. He is not the person who created the Bitcoin System, nor is he the author of the initial versions of the Bitcoin software.” The judge further noted that Wright’s knowledge of Bitcoin could have been obtained through public materials and lacked the unique insight expected from its creator.

Legal and Financial Implications

Injunctions and Potential Perjury Charges

Following the judgment, COPA indicated its intention to seek several injunctions to prevent Wright from continuing to claim he is Nakamoto and to stop him from pursuing further lawsuits against Bitcoin developers. There is also a possibility that UK prosecutors may consider perjury charges against Wright based on his trial statements.

Asset Freezing Order

In March, Justice Mellor imposed a worldwide freezing order on Wright’s assets, totaling approximately $7.6 million, to prevent him from evading court costs from the COPA trial. This financial constraint underscores the seriousness of the court’s findings and the ongoing legal consequences for Wright.

BSV Price Impact

The vast majority of the Web3 space are in agreement about Craig, his claims, and $BSV all more or less equate to a massive scam. It’s perhaps for this reason, that this news did not have a significant impact on $BSV’s price upon public reception. If anything it seems that BSV is following the broader crypto market in an upswing due to the potential ETH ETF news.

Impact on the Crypto Community

Community Reactions

COPA celebrated the ruling as a “definitive win for the truth” and a significant moment for the open-source community. This judgment allows developers to continue their work on the Bitcoin network without fearing costly litigation from Wright.

Broader Legal Context

This case highlights the ongoing challenges within the cryptocurrency regulatory and legal landscape. It follows closely on the heels of Changpeng Zhao’s recent sentencing for anti-money laundering failures, illustrating the heightened scrutiny and enforcement actions facing key figures in the crypto world.


The UK High Court’s ruling against Craig Wright is a pivotal moment in the ongoing saga of Bitcoin’s creation. It not only debunks Wright’s claims but also reinforces the importance of transparency and honesty in the rapidly evolving field of cryptocurrency. As the legal battles continue, the crypto community can take solace in this significant victory for truth and justice.

Comparing with Recent Legal Developments

Similarities with Zhao’s Case

The recent judgment against Craig Wright bears similarities to the case of Changpeng Zhao, the founder of Binance, who was sentenced to four months in prison for compliance failures. Both cases involve high-profile figures in the crypto industry facing significant legal repercussions for their actions.

Ongoing Uncertainty

These cases underscore the still-shaky and evolving regulatory landscape for cryptocurrencies. As the industry matures, legal frameworks and enforcement actions are becoming more stringent, highlighting the need for compliance and ethical conduct among crypto leaders.