BY Cosmic ValidatorFeb 6 · video

Hi Ninjas!

Welcome to the Injective ecosystem news roundup, here are the top stories in Injective in the 2nd half of January:

INJECTIVE LAUNCHES GAS COMPRESSION: Injective now offers the lowest transaction costs in all of crypto, learn all the details about the Injective gas compression upgrade in this episode

HELIX TRADING VOLUME EXPLODING: New pre-launch futures launches, updates to the Spot Grid Trading bot and the daily and cumulative Helix trading volume exploding, all you need to know in this video

INJECTIVE – GOOGLE CLOUD ILLUMINATE HACKATHON WINNERS: All the winning projects presented, including their different use cases and the value they are bringing to the Injective ecosystem

INJECTIVE ECOSYSTEM UPDATES: Talis, Mito, Ninji wallet, Aeroscraper, Inspect, Neptune, Hydro, Moon App, Kage, Dojo Swap and more

New Injective dApps, tech updates, milestones, events and much more in this episode, and now for today’s top stories