is a very mysterious, odd, and hard to understand project centered around decentralized and provable Ai learning. Their landing page reads,
“decentralized ai is alive
behold the new truth medium
cyber is the protocol for unified, provable, collective learning” intends to build a general purpose, decentralized AI with aspects of highly innovative and efficient data storage, and possibly more, all powered through users and their interactions with the system.
Understanding some of the term within the system is be crucial for being able to even hope to understand the system.
Particle – “(A) Particle is some file that has IPFS hash and that somebody has on his device with IPFS software installed, so other users can download this file using IPFS protocol.”
More specifically, particle seem to be any type of data, be it text or a file, that is in the system, and has other particles linked to it.
For example, on the page for the “BTC market cap” particle, below it you can see a number of related particles, ranked by relevancy through (some unknown system, replace me if you know!)

You’ll notice that many of the entries are titles similarly, but with specific dates. If you click into those particles you’ll see their particle page, and linked to it below, a few other particles including a US dollar value, which seems to be about the market cap of Bitcoin on that date.

If you then click on that particle, it’s only link is back to the last particle, as that specific number has not been market or detected as relevant to any other in the system.

Neurons – Users like you in the Cyber system.
CRP – Cyber Results Page contains a number of particles, which are the destination of cyberlinks from your query.
Cyberlink – A link between two or more particles. I.e. the “BTC” particle is linked to the “BTC market cap” particle.
Cyberrank – We THINK that this is the quality of a cyberlink, meaning that the cyberlink between the particles, “InterchainInfo” and “Web3 Wiki,” would be highly ranked, whereas it seems like anyone can submit anything, so a link could be made between the “InterchainInfo” and “Table” particles, but it would be ranked low, signifying there isn’t a strong relation between them.
Exactly how Cyberrank is calculated is unclear, but seems like an important piece of the puzzle, assuming we’re even understanding things properly so far.
Passport(s) – Passports are NFTs that fill the roll of decentralized identities, however, they claim to be vastly different from existing solutions like ENS and DiD. You’re able to add multiple Cosmos and Ethereum addresses to a given passport. These passports seem to have a number of functions, both currently and planned for the future, but their both unclear, and a lot to get into here.
For more information, see their page on “Introduction To Passports” page.
Moon name – The name assigned to a passport. E.g. master.moon.
Negentrophy – “is as a metric that indicates the level of orderliness in our cybergraph.” Components
On the website, there are a number of different options on it’s sidebar menu, many of which the general public doesn’t fully understand yet, so again, please help contribute to the sections below if you have any insight!
my robot
Some sort of dahsboard or profile view, where you can see your connected addresses, as well as bunch of other stats on the sides od the page, such as your “hydrogen,” “cyberlinks,” “learners,” and other less than intuitive/clear statistics about your currently connected address.
Within your list of connected addresses, under your native, bostrom address, you can see what we believe to be questions, queries, or general entries of some kind that you’ve either submitted into, or contributed to for the purpose of feeding the AI network.
This page is their default landing page, with the url, It prompts the user to either search, ask, or learn. At the top of the page, you can type in a prompt or question, and it seems like when sent, it should either search the input text, ask it, or learn about it, however at the moment, regardless of which option you have selected, it will just search for and take you to the page for that particle. That particle being whatever you typed in.
“instantly and censor free
find and deliver content
decentralized search is just one cyber app aip”
Unclear how this works.
“decentralized ai is alive
behold the new truth medium
cyber is the protocol for unified, provable, collective learning”
Unclear what this does.
“empower everyone
learn yourself
decentralized learning as simple as creating a link”
The learn section actually has an “about page” that’s somewhat helpful. It states that “Linking is fundamental to learning” and is clearly implying that the way the system learns is through linking between particles.

This seems to be where users do onboarding related tasks, such as claiming airdrops or setting up their citizenship and passport.
The temple seems to be a sort of “ecosystem page” or app directory.
Lists all the tokens currently on the network, as well as metrics about them.
Here, users can send messages to other citizens, access bridging on and off of Bostrom, and swap token through a DEX.
This is the liquidity management interface for their native DEX, where users can browse, create, and add to LPs.
The Sphere is just their chain’s staking screen, where you can see validators sorted by voting power, as well as a few other related metrics.
“investmint – temporarily invest tokens to mint tokens”
Unsure about much of the details here, but this seems to be where users interact with some of the unique aspects of Bostrom, such as generating “energy” with “V” (volts) and “A” (amps.)
The senate is an interesting and overlook part of the platform, comprise of two main aspects, governance, and analytics.
At first glance, the senate seems to be primarily a governance hub, where you can submit new proposals to the chain and/or protocol, as well as view past proposals, and interact with active ones.

This page provides a bit of analytics on the network,

This page is actually phenomenal, and almost the polar opposite of the rest of the protocol in terms of efficient delivery of simple, core information. More chains should develop a page that lists core chain metrics in an easy to access, minimalistic, and well organized way like this.
The included sections within this interface are:
- staking
- Includes: max validators, unbonding time, max entries*, historical entries*.
- slashing
- Includes: signed blocks window, min signed per window, downtime jail duration, slash fraction double sign, slash fraction downtime
- distribution
- Includes: community tax, base proposer reward, bonus proposer reward
- bandwidth
- Includes: base price, recovery period blocks, adjust period blocks, max block bandwidth
- governance
- Includes: quorum, threshold, veto, min deposit, max deposit period, voting period
- rank
- calculation period, damping factor, tolerance
- mint
- Includes:inflation rate change, inflation max, inflation min, goal bonded
- resources
- This section makes the least sense, and is more in line with the rest of the site naming conventions.
- Includes: max slots, base investmint period ampere, base investmint period volt, halving period ampere blocks, halving period volt blocks, min investmint period, base investmint amount ampere, base investmint amount volt
- liquidity
- Includes:pool creation fee, swap fee rate, withdraw free rate, max order amount ratio, min init deposit amount, init pool coin mint amount, max reserve coin amount, unit batch height, circuit_break_enabled
- grid
- Includes: max routes
- wasm
- Includes: code upload access, instantiate default permission, max wasm code size
- dmn
- Includes: max slots, max gas, fee ttl
The least helpful about page ever. Just a few links.
Interesting links
Old telegram –