How do users benefit?
1. Users can mint synthetic assets (by staking ETH,USDC, and USDT) and add liquidity on partner DEXs.
2. Users can use these synthetic assets to swap into any asset on any chain with zero slippage, without using a bridge, using our internal DEX.
3. Apart from slippage-free swaps, users can also trade cross-chain futures, perps, and options.
How do ecosystems benefit?
1. TVL: through users staking collateral for minting and by adding liquidity on partner DEXs – 70% of protocol fees generated from swaps and trading is distributed to LP providers.
2. Transactions: by enabling users to perform slippage-free swaps and trading of futures, options, and perps.
3. Users: enabling users from other ecosystems to seamlessly swap into assets within the ecosystem.
4. Interoperability: by giving users access to multichain liquidity without the risk of bridging.