Go to your DAO website on DAO DAO and click on “+ Propose”.
Give your proposal Title and Description.
DAO DAO descriptions use Markdown format.
Basic syntax for Markdown format you can find here.
Under Actions Library choose “DAO Governance” on the left side panel and then click on “Update Voting Config” on the right side panel.
In the recently introduced “Update Voting Config” action panel, you have the option to decide whether proposals require a fee* for submission.
Selecting this option mandates a payment from each individual submitting a proposal.
Next, determine the eligibility for voting on your proposals: it can be restricted to DAO members or open to everyone.
*If you opt for paid proposal submissions, specify the fee in the designated field below. Additionally, you can choose whether to refund proposal creators if their proposal is unsuccessful.
Select your primary voting preferences:
- Passing Threshold: Specifies the percentage of votes required for a choice to be approved.
- Quorum: Defines the minimum number of participants needed for a proposal to be considered valid. Quorum can be disabled if preferred.
- Voting Duration: Determines the length of the voting period.
- Revoting Option: If enabled, participants may alter their votes throughout the voting duration.
For comprehensive details, refer to the DAO DAO UI descriptions.
On the bottom of the window you can choose “Preview” and “Publish”.
Preview shows how your entire proposal will look like once it is published. That is very useful when you are using special Markdown formatting and want to see how it will look like once it is published.
Once you are happy with your proposal click “Publish”.