Onboarding “Drop” to the Lido Alliance | What It Means for Neutron

Onboarding “Drop” to the Lido Alliance | What It Means for Neutron

BY ICIMay 24 · 1 min read

Impact of Onboarding Drop on Neutron in the AEZ

The proposal to onboard Drop, a cross-chain liquid staking protocol, to the Lido Alliance was just released this morning, and potentially has significant implications for Neutron, a Cosmos chain in the Atom Economic Zone (AEZ). Below, we will be summarizing the key points as they relate to Neutron. For the full text, please head here.

Enhancing Decentralization and Security

  • Decentralization: Drop will support the decentralization of Ethereum ecosystem dependencies like bridges and data-availability layers. Neutron’s integration with Drop will enhance its security measures through rigorous testing, real-time monitoring, and comprehensive auditing.
  • Security: Neutron is already secured by the Cosmos Hub using Interchain Security, providing a robust and scalable foundation for decentralized applications (dApps). Drop’s rigorous security culture, including formal verification and a bug bounty program, will further bolster Neutron’s security.

Facilitating Cross-Chain Innovation

  • IBC Protocol: Neutron utilizes the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol, which enables secure cross-chain interactions. Drop’s integration will leverage this protocol to enhance cross-chain functionality.
  • DeFi Integration: Neutron’s smart contract platform, built on the Cosmos SDK and CosmWasm, will benefit from Drop’s capabilities. This includes integration with various DeFi platforms like Duality and Astroport, enhancing Neutron’s product offerings and enabling advanced use cases like delta-neutral or leveraged staking/farming.

Strategic Advantages for Neutron

  • Token Alignment: 10% of Drop’s token supply will be locked as alignment collateral within the Lido Alliance, solidifying the partnership and aligning incentives.
  • wstETH Integration: The partnership will drive the distribution and integration of wrapped staked ETH (wstETH) in the Interchain, enhancing its use cases and security. Neutron has already spearheaded the introduction of wstETH, prioritizing security and mitigating vendor lock-in risks.

Opportunities for Node Operators

  • Validator Onboarding: While not guaranteed, excellent node operators active in both ecosystems may be onboarded to Drop’s validator sets. This drives adoption and strengthens alignment between Lido and its ecosystem, providing robust growth opportunities.

Again, this is just a high level, brief summary of a proposal first posted this morning. To get more details, ask your own questions, and keep up to date as it evolves, check out their official post, here.