Why $KUJI will become a DeFi powerhouse

BY CosmosDefiJan 9 · video

Not financial advice! Do you own research and understand all of the risks before using any cryptocurrency platform.
Kujira, a blockchain built with the Cosmos SDK, is the “Blockchain for Real Yield.” It is a decentralized ecosystem for protocols, builders and web3 users seeking sustainable FinTech. Manta DAO is a collaboration of power users governed by the $MNTA token.

========= Important Links =============
Get tokens onto Kujira https://docs.kujira.app/kujira-ecosystem/how-to-deposit-assets-into-the-ecosystem
Kujira Ecosystem https://kujiraecosystem.com/
Manta Coin Gecko https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/mantadao
Manta DAO home https://mantadao.app/
