BY Coosmic ValidatorMarch 7 · video

Welcome to the Cosmos ecosystem news roundup, here are the top stories in Cosmos in the 2nd half of February:

COSMOS HUB AND CONSUMER CHAINS: The GovGen chain launched, what is it? How is it related to the AtomOne upcoming fork of the Cosmos Hub? Watch this episode to learn everything you need to know about GovGen and AtomOne

NAMADA: The first batches of S class tasks reviewed and points awarded, which validators are currently winning the Shielded Expedition? Learn also about the upgrade from v0 to v1

DYDX v4: Upcoming upgrade to support the authz module and other features and modules

OSMOSIS: Native wrapped BTC has arrived on Osmosis, learn the implications in this episode

KUJIRA: Partnerships announced with Confio and Persistence, what is the goal of these collaborations?

CELESTIA: Learn additional details and eligibility requirements about the new Celestia foundation delegation program

SEI: A new xERC-721 NFT standard developed, what are the advantages and innovations of this NFT standard?

PERSISTENCE: stkOSMO becomes the first ever OSMO LST to go live in Quasar, all the details in this episode

SECRET NETWORK: Partnerships with Union and Obi announced

AKASH: Merit-based listing on Coinbase and additional projects reducing costs thanks to Akash

OTHER ECOSYSTEM NEWS: Happy 2nd year mainnet anniversary Flix Fam! We recently started releasing our videos also on OmniFlix TV with interactive quizzes. OmniFlix 2-year journey since the mainnet launch and more!

Focused sections about the Cosmos hub and consumer chains Stride and Neutron, Namada, dYdX, Osmosis, Kujira, Celestia, Sei, Persistence, Secret Network, Akash and Crypto regulations and compliance updates with MME

All this and much more in this episode, and now for today’s top stories
